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About this game

Can you perform the ultimate rescue in VIP Guard?

Time to switch on close protection mode and become a master of security! In this challenging, yet amazing and fun game, you’ll need to use all your skills.

Here’s how to play.
1. Look for threats from your enemies. Spotted one? It’s time to spring into action.
2. Just the distance between you and your charge. Can you dive to make it in time to protect them? We hope so.
3. Wait! Did you just stop the bullet and level up? Go you!

With cool graphics, satisfying and smooth gameplay, you’ll wonder what you did with your time before you discovered VIP Guard?

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Google Play
Crown icon
248 votes
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Apple Store
Crown icon
87K votes

About this game

Can you perform the ultimate rescue in VIP Guard?

Time to switch on close protection mode and become a master of security! In this challenging, yet amazing and fun game, you’ll need to use all your skills.

Here’s how to play.
1. Look for threats from your enemies. Spotted one? It’s time to spring into action.
2. Just the distance between you and your charge. Can you dive to make it in time to protect them? We hope so.
3. Wait! Did you just stop the bullet and level up? Go you!

With cool graphics, satisfying and smooth gameplay, you’ll wonder what you did with your time before you discovered VIP Guard?

My review

Share your opinion about VIP Guard ! 
